Introducing the folks that labour gloriously for the exquisite gardens that exhibit structural enhancements, statuary, arbors, trellises and more; all for the pleasure of our very rich and the famous.
We call them the invisible task force and the original horticulturists, meet the very special Gardeners, without who no major property is complete.
Indulging in some amateurs landscaping, these hardworking individuals can be seen toiling day and night, playing with elements such as paths, rockeries, walls, water features, sitting areas and decking, as well as the plants; and are the least appreciated creatively.
Do not take them lightly, their knowledge is extensive and is often passed down through generations, and the ones that show promise are often the most coveted, craftily of course.
After all a garden not only inspires pure and refined thoughts, it is a place where cares and worries are forgotten. When life ‘amid pleasures and palaces’ appears dull, a garden offers peace and quiet.