their souls danced in the garden of their imagination. they were wild and had no laws. they were not born for the savage life, they wanted freedom only for themselves..
Scattered across the globe and whose origins have always been shrouded in myth and mystery, they come and go as they please. Artistic, romantic and carefree meet the gypsies of our realm. They are people without history but with a culture so rich with diversification, that they intoxicate your senses with their exotic mysticism. With their caravans, trinkets and magic lores, they are hard to come by and hard to ignore. The sky was raised as their roof tree, carries like a shell on their back, they are a race of people who don’t fit in, a race that can’t sit still. They room the world at will, range the fields and rove the flood, and climb the mountain crest, theirs is the curse of the gypsy blood, and they sparkle because they don’t know how to rest.